HLS Aircraft Sales s.r.o. became an authorized sales representative of TBM aircraft for the Czech and Slovak Republics

08. 2. 2024

Dear Business Partners,

allow us to inform you that in the second half of 2023, all activities related to the sale of new TBM aircrafts in the Czech and Slovak Republics were separated from Hradecká Letecké Servisní s.r.o. (HLS) and transferred to the sister's company HLS Aircraft Sales s.r.o., which became the authorized sales representative of these aircrafts for the Czech and Slovak Republics and your direct TBM partner. Warranty and post-warranty TBM service for you will be still provided by Hradecká Letecká Servisní s.r.o.

Visit the new website of HLS Aircraft Sales s.r.o. , where you can learn much more about the new TBM aircraft and their performance:


We are looking forward to your visit.

Ales Kurka

+420 606 790 881 info@hls.aero